Numbs my brain
And the sunlight shining through
the crack in the windowpane
[Frank Narrating]
Rose's ghost was getting closer.
Numbs my brain
It had been six months since I lost her.
A homeless girl...
asthmatic, 18 years old.
I used to block the bad calls out.
I used to forget,
but she wouldn't let go.
And now she'd come
to bear witness for all of them...
all that had been lost.
These spirits were part of thejob.
It was impossible to pass a building
that didn't hold a ghost of something.
The eyes of a corpse.
The screams of a loved one.
All bodies leave their mark.
You cannot be near
the newly dead without feeling it.
I could handle that.
What haunted me now was more savage.
Spirits born half-finished.
Homicides. Suicides. Overdoses.
Accusing me of being there,
witnessing a humiliation...
which they could never forgive.
[Woman Over Radio, Indistinct]
Turn it off.
- What?
- You know what. The radio.
That's not the police band. It's your
fire department scanner in your bag.
- Oh.
- [Man] Ladder Four, respond to a 10-22.
Six-flight residential. 534 West 32.
- Let's do it. It might be a good one.
- There are no good fires.
People die in fires. People get burned
up in fires. People can't breathe.
That's what we're here for. Let's go.
- 63...
- Don't push it, Larry.
- You're burned out. You're scorched.
- Not yet, Larry.
I'm still burning. If you get
any closer, I'm gonna put a burn on you.
[Man] 6-3 Zebra. 6-3 Zebra.
Zebra three, I need you.
[Man] 6-3 Zebra. 6-3 Zebra.
Zebra three, I need you.
- You see? He's giving it to us anyway.
- Zebra, are you there?