Bringing Out the Dead

- You wanna leave here in a body bag?
- You'll end up like him, dick!

- Shut up!
- He's been snorting that Red Death.

It's been going on for,
like, four days now.

I rebuke the spirit of drugs
in the name of Jesus. What's his name?

- I.B. Bangin'.
- What you mean I.B. Bangin'?

- I.B. Bangin'.
- What kind of name is I.B. Bangin'?

- I don't know his real name.
- It's Frederick Smith.

- [Marcus] Okay, Freddy...
- It's Frederick.

Okay, I.B. Bangin', we're
gonna bring you back from the dead.

Now, I want everybody here to
grab the hand of the person next to you.

Come on now. We ain't got much time.
And look up towards the heavens.
Dear Lord, here I am again...
asking one more chance for a sinner.
Please, Lord, bring back
I.B. Bangin', Lord.

You have the power, Jesus.
You have the might.

You have the super light
to spare this worthless man.

- My God! Frederick!
- Rise up, I.B. Bangin'...

and start your life anew!
Oh, thank you, Lord.
- What happened?
- You fucking died, you stupid bastard.

- I warned you.
- Damn, you guys are good.

The first step is Love.
The second is Mercy.

That guy I brought in yesterday,
post-cardiac arrest. He's gone.

Burke? You're not gonna believe it.
He's showing cognitive signs.

It started with spontaneous respiration.
Now he's fighting to pull out the tube.

He had to be sedated. He's in CAT scan.
There's no room in I.C.U.

- What do you think?
- Who knows?

It's lower brain stem activity at this
point. The heart refuses to stabilize.

You know, he coded
11 times since he got here.

But the guy's a fighter.
Every time the Valium wears off,
he starts yanking on the restraints.

The family know?
I wanted to bring them in
to see if he'd respond to voices.

But there was no one
in the waiting room.
