You must get a lot of overdoses.
Bet you picked me up a couple times.
I think I'd remember that.
Maybe not.
I was a different person then.
Does everyone you meet just...
- spill their guts on you like this?
- Uh, mostly.
Must be my face.
My mother always said
I look like a priest.
You do. Yeah.
Yeah, my mom thought
I was gonna be a nun...
because, uh, I ran away
to a convent when I was 13.
But I didn't want to be a nun.
I just... I wanted to run away.
Well, Sister Mary or Mary the Junkie,
it didn't really matter to me.
- I better go check on my father.
- Yeah, all right.
Thanks for the pizza. I owe you one.
Maybe, um, when he gets better.
- When we're through with all of this.
- Sure.
Look after her, Griss, okay?
Rule number one: Don't
get involved with patients.
Rule number two: Don't get
involved with patients' daughters.
- You understand?
- What about rule number three?
Don't get involved
with dispatchers named Love.
Now, boy, you don't know nothin'
about rule number three.
Cannot begin to understand
the complexities of that rule.
[R&B On Radio]
Come on. Let's go
look at some hookers, hmm?
Kit Kat Club be lettin'out 'bout now.
[Love On Radio]
74-Will. 330, West 33rd.
Church ofJesus Son,
for demonic possession.
72-Victor, you're goin'to 8th and 14th.
On the corner, there's a 40-year-old
man hearin'celebrity voices.
76-X ray, take it uptown,
541 West 54th St,
for the elderly woman
abducted by her cat.