Lord Jesus,
help me get through the night.
- [Siren Wailing]
- I can't get over it
It's so wide I can't get around it
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
I hate this block.
Nothin' but crackheads.
- I don't wanna go without the police.
- I'm goin'.
It's easier than waitin'.
- Ambulance!
- Oh, Jesus. My bad back.
My feet hurt. Damn crackheads.
- E.M.S.!
- Hello? E.M.S.
Please, hurry.
Please hurry. Come this way, please.
- She's over here. This way. Hurry.
- [Screaming]
[Both Speaking Spanish]
My, oh, my, a fat crackhead!
Now, that's a first.
- What's wrong?
- She has terrible pain in her belly.
- I mean, she's pregnant.
- No, that's impossible. We're virgins.
Are you pregnant?
Estas embarazada?