- [Screaming, Sobbing]
- All right, let's just put her down.
Put her over here.
Let's just put her down.
- You take the first one.
- [Screaming Intensifies]
[Baby Crying]
It's a boy, Frank. He looks good.
How's yours?
Open the door!
She had a pulse!
[Constance] Code! Code blue!
[Man Over P.A., Indistinct]
- We're set up in Two.
- Jesus Christ. Get her on the monitor.
- Where's the pediatric cart?
- It's right here.
- Give me the blade. How many months?
- Can't tell.
- It was a breech. The other seems okay.
- Step back, Frank.
Marcus is taking him
and the mother to Maternity.
I'm a mother!
I got a daughter! I got rights!
- [Hazmat] Stop compression.
- Give her some Valium!
- Ten mil, stat!
- Flatline. Let's start C.P.R.
- Starting.
- Status?
I think I got a pulse. I think.
- Fuck!
- Nothing!
- [Mishra] Give me an I. V. line.
- [Hazmat] Call X ray.
- I. V. 's in. Give me epinephrine.
- How long has she been down?
- [Constance] About ten minutes.
- Call respiratory.
- Can I bother you for a cup of water?
- Can we get an X ray here?
- [Voices Continue, Overlapping]
- Oh, my God.
- I have eaten nothing but sand, O Lord.
- Stop compression.
- I've waited so long.
- All right, status?
- Can I please get some fucking water?
- Flatline!
Jesus Christ! Who woke that guy up?
- Come on.
- I've got nothing.
[Hazmat] Shit.
Are the parents here?
Someone's gonna have to tell 'em.
Don't give me that look.
- What look?
- You know, it's all over your face.
That l-Just-Saved-
A-Little-Baby-Boy look.
We just saved a little,
bouncin' baby boy.