Lady's down the hall.
Clean up that nose, brother.
Welcome to Dayrise Enterprises, Frank.
Stress-free factory.
Mary. Mary.
- We have to get going.
- [Moaning]
She asked for something
to help her sleep, brother.
Mary, we really have to go.
- [Grunting]
- Whoa, Frank, she suffered enough.
Now, she's gonna be fine. I promise.
Come on, Frank.
Now, I'm always interested
in people with stressful occupations.
Now, bein' a paramedic, that's
about as stressful as I can imagine.
Go ahead, take a seat. Sit down.
Tell me some war stories.
You know, what's it like?
Got a beer?
Oh, that shit is poison, Frank.
We don't have alcohol around here.
What you need is one of these.
Did-Did you give Mary
something called Red Death?
- [Clicks Lighter]
- Excuse me?
Red Death.
Tell me something, Frank.
Does killing your clients sound like
good business sense to you? Hmm?
See, the kids sellin'that Red Death
arejust tryin'to make a quick buck.
They don't got no respect for me,
all the work I done in this community.
But don't worry.
They gonna be taken care of.