Bringing Out the Dead

He does this every time he gets drunk.
- You smell that?
- But he hates when I call you guys.

What the hell's goin' on here?
You gotta take him to the hospital.
- He tried to kill himself.
- You guys got any coffee?

- Show him your wrist. Go ahead.
- All right, come on.

Let me see. It's not even bleeding.
[Man] He does this
all the time. He ain't right.

It was bleedin' before. He kept spilling
his beer. I gave him mouth-to-mouth.

You're lucky you didn't kill him.
I wanna hear it straight
from the Looney Tunes himself.

Try to bump yourself off?
Yeah? Why didn't you say so?
Come on. I'm gonna fix you up.
Come on, Frank.
Sir, I am going to give you medicine
that is still very experimental.

It's from NASA. And although
our astronauts have been using it...

we are the very first service to try it.
Now, I am gonna put this patch
on your forehead, like this.

And in about a minute,
you will have to relax.

You will lose
all your suicidal feelings.

It's very important that you wear
the patch for at least 24 hours.

And keep checking the mirror.
If the patch turns green,
you have to see a doctor immediately.

The side effects could be fatal. Okay?
- Now, what did I say? What color?
- Uh, clean.

- Clean.
- "Cream." You said "cream."

- Cream. Green.
- Green.

This, uh... Excuse me.
This is the worst
suicide attempt I've ever seen.

Can you feel that pulse?
Here? That's where you cut.

And it's not across. It's down, like so.
Here. Take it.
- I can't. I can't.
- What?
