I have one the same. And I believe
in my Lazarus, too
We call him the Beggar
He's very powerful
He's the one who leads the way
and helps the poor
The other Lazarus is the same
But that's one I take with me.
The one who begs
I lay flowers for him
Sometimes I light a candle
I give him honey
See? 'lt's bees' honey
I give him perfume
Lots of perfume
Every time I go out,
I spray him
And I spray myself
His little shot of rum
I like it, so I assume
he must like it, too
My wife makes him a meringues
sometimes. Know what that is?
We put them here
We offer them to him
So that's how he gets
all these things
We Cubans can be thankful,
I don't know, to the Man up there...
...that we are the way we are
If we cared about possessions, we
would have disappeared long ago
But we Cubans are very fortunate