What was he dreaming about?
Look how grandpa
is eating... Yes...
Two thousand a week!
No, he dreamed you'd clean
toilets in hotels,
And I'd wash dishes
in restaurants.
That was his dream?
Come here...
That's how we'd take care
of him and the baby?
That was his dream?
And diapers? Food for the baby?
You can't even breast feed him!
ls that my fault!
What's this gibberish?
Hey, what's with you?
We'll save up... buy a VCR.
I'll spell it out one last time,
so even you can understand:
He deserves all the money.
''Heil to the conquering hero.''
Let the people thank him
for making the world safe,
from the likes of him.
Calm down.
Stop it... It'll be OK.
See? He's sitting
in the sun, happy...
helping his grandson.
Let's wave hello to Grandpa.
Paganini is here...
He's going to bug us about
moving grandpa again.
Come on,
let's go around the shops.