Sam, I told you to close up shop
and be ready to move off
the island by nightfall.
- Yes, Captain Brynner, but--
- But what?
Can't I go to the loading dock
for a few hours without coming
back to find a major screwup?
With all due respect,
Dr. Long told me to prep the field
for detonation at noon.
Jesus Ch-- We're on a very
slippery slope here, Sam.
A covert military operation
riddled with civilian scientists.
You don't think it's that bad?
Long spent the last two years
developing his defoliant.
The stuff can't even kill
crabgrass yet.
- Where's their protective gear?
- It's 100 degrees out here.
The guys deserve a break.
They'll get a break tomorrow.
I'm not gonna take chances
on our last day.
Doc, what's up?
I thought we wrapped
the tests yesterday.