- Where do you want this stuff?
- Freezer in the back.
- Art.
- Mornin', Mason. Two large
coffees to go, okay?
All right.
So, Mason, last Wednesday night,
uh, were you out, uh,
drifting around like the trash you are,
or were you here working?
If it was Wednesday night,
I was working.
- You recognize this young man?
- Nope. Is there a problem?
You find yourself wearing a badge
someday, then you can ask the questions.
Until then, you answer mine,
got that?
So you don't remember selling
this young man beer Wednesday night?
I don't sell beer to minors.
I take that kind of thing seriously.
- That's not the way I hear it.
Matter of fact--
- Take it easy, Pappas.
- Mason, this boy says you did
sell him beer that night.
- Yeah? Well, he's lyin'.
Lying? Mason, you wouldn't
know the truth if it bit you.
We've got your whole record.
We know about the conviction
for vagrancy, public drunkenness.
- I didn't sell the boy any beer.
-Shut your mouth
until I tell you to talk, son.
You know, I gotta tell you. That really
bothers me-- somebody calls me "son."
Then how about
if I call you "asshole"?
All right, both of you,
just cool off.
Look, Mason, maybe the kid
showed you a fake I.D.,
or you forgot to check.
I didn't forget to check,
and I know how to spot a fake I.D.,
especially from a little geek
like that kid.
That little geek is my son.
All right.
Enough. Look.
Mason, I don't wanna hear
about you sellin' alcohol
to minors.
- I didn't sell any alcohol--
- I'm not sayin' you did.
Just don't, okay?
You make sure you keep your nose clean,
we won't have any problems.
Let's go, Pappas.
- I said, let's go.
- You got a problem too?
No, sir. I've never seen
this guy before.