Sure as hell met a few assholes
like that, though.
- You gotta learn to lighten up
when the man's in your face.
- That's my business.
- No argument there.
- Guy's a fuckin' moron.
Hey, I'm with you on that one,
my man. Prick.
Look, you need me to sign
an invoice or somethin'?
Uh, between this month and last month,
you owe $417. And we need that in cash.
Since when does Darlene
pay you in cash?
Since today. New policy.
Yeah, well, Darlene didn't say anything
about it to me,
so tell Andy to bill her like usual,
and let them sort it out.
Well, he told me
to collect cash.
- Andy-- another fuckin' moron.
- Hey.
You and I are seein' eye to eye
on a whole range of issues this mornin'.
Except for the fact
that I need cash.
- He could've called first.
- He could've. That's true.
But that would've been
smart and fair.
Two things Andy is not.
But I tell you what.
Bein' that it's cash, I'm gonna give you
ten percent off.
Say, uh, 375, seein' that we both have
so much love for Andy.
I'll tell him I lost a few cartons
comin' over the mountain.
That'll make up
the difference, huh? Huh?
Well, Darlene usually gives me
a signed check for emergencies.
I could always give you that.
No, no, no, no, no.
Night Shift, see?
A check is not cash.
Cash got a whole lot of numbers
on it, pictures of old white men
with messed-up hairdos.
That's what I need.
All right, all right.
I'll go you one better:
275, and I'll tell him you'll make up
the balance next month, huh?
- Oh, oh, Jesus.
- Wait. Hang on.