and a shit load ofice.
If I don't get this to McGruder,
it's good-bye Andy's Ice Cream,
good-bye Montana.
Wait, man. You don't believe
the dead guy, do you?
Yeah, I believe him.
He was my friend.
Oh, for cryin' out loud.
Hey, listen,
you know what I think?
I think he's a wacko, and I think
that G.I. ninja's a bigger wacko.
And I think you're the biggest
wacko of all, wantin' to be
a part this wacko shit.
I need your help.
- You are mistaken if you think
you're goin' anywhere in my truck.
- Then you drive me to McGruder.
Look, I got two tons of the world's
nastiest ice cream...
sittin' in a truck that should've been
retired ten years ago.
That shit will be worthless
by noon.
- Oh, man.
- And if that Elvis shit...
is as dangerous as you seem
to think it is, I'm gettin'
my ass as far away as possible.
- Peace.
- Fine.
- Slap the red off his neck.
Ain't gonna take my truck.
- Wait, hold up.
Look. You want cash?
You want cash?
I got like, uh--
I got, uh-- I got 50 bucks.
I'll get more.
I'll rent the truck from you.
You can go, you can stay here.
Whatever you want.
- Then how about this?
- Hey, you're gonna piss me--
What the hell you doin'?
- I need your truck.
- You are not takin' my truck!
How far you got to go?
Move it. Go on.
Goddamn it.
Would you hurry up?
Now put this in the back.
Keep it safe.
Come on, let's go.
- Did you keep it safe?
- Yeah, I kept it safe.
What the hell is with you, dog?
He's the one with the damn gun.
- You gave him ice cream, didn't you?
Come on, let's go.
- To keep him off my ass.
What'd you do that for?
It makes him mean as a snake.
That dog was mean before I met him.
That dog ain't mean.
- Get in the truck. Shh!
- I will bust a mud hole in your ass.
- Don't tell me to shush.
I can talk all I want to.
- Just shut up.