Coyote Moon

Cigareets and whiskey
And wild, wild women
They'll drive you crazy
They'll drive you insane
l remember.
l remember the killing too.
l remember that if it wasn't for you,
l wouldn't be here.

You know, my people say
that if you save a man's life...

your souls are locked together forever.
That's why l came to see you.
l wanted to get your okay...
to take a journey.
Well, l got things l gotta do then.
l have to look at the moon.
Talk to the smoke.
Listen to the wind.

Nothing's easy with an lndian.
They buzz me all the time.
There's an Air Force bombing range
right over those mountains.

Looks like F-15's today.
What are you gonna do
when you catch those three brothers?

- Get your gift back.
- You got me a gift and they took it?

They're gonna kill you.

And if the Hogans don't,
then the Heathens wilI.

They're in the dope business
with the Hogans.

Hey, what do you say we do
a little ''divide and conquer''?

Like we used to in the old days.
They're making life pretty miserable
for the good people around here.
