He fell. It was an accident.
Like that boy accidentally...
...went off the Pigeon Creek Bridge
last spring.
And one accidentally
hung himself in your jail.
Watch yourself, Dove.
All right.
Let me take him, son.
I'll bring him home.
I didn't start this thing.
These boys came here looking
for trouble.
Well, they found it, didn't they?
Do you know who this boy is?
This is Nehemiah Jackson's boy.
Do you want me to twiddle my thumbs...
...till this town explodes like Selma?
I mean to stop it, if I have to put
every last nigger in jail!
Just don't kill any more
of them, okay?
I am sick of cleaning up after you.
Uncle Dove and Nehemiah Jackson
were friends.
They were both
in the funeral business.
They helped each other out
from time to time.
Just 17 years old.
He was supposed to start
Tuskegee in the fall.
I wish I knew what to say, Nehemiah.
The day he was born....
Just so little.
Those little hands.
It rained so hard that day.
Just pouring.
You could stop the sheriff
if you tried.
You don't know he's responsible.
-No one saw what happened.
-I saw.
He didn't fall.
Sheriff pulled him off the fence.