A hundred million light bulbs
in the middle of nowhere.
You drive up in your car,
and this nice man comes out and says.:
Evening, ma'am.
Checking in?
Whoa! It's heavy.
What's in here, bricks?
My husband's head.
I take it everywhere.
-Just his head, huh?
-I left the rest of him at home.
And he carries your bags
right inside for you.
There's no extra charge
for this service.
Inside, they have all kinds
of smart little shops.
And I'm the kind of girl who can
resist anything but temptation.
And that's how I found myself
in the casino.
I don't know much about gambling...
...but sometimes in your life,
that's just what you have to do.
You put everything you have
on one number.
Turns out my favourite game
is roulette.
It's so easy.
You put down your money
and watch this ball go around...
...and sometimes....
Oh, my God! I won! I won!
-Thank you.
I can't begin to tell you
how nice everyone is.
When you win,
they give you a free room.
And the same nice man
comes to help you find it.
Anyway, I can't tell you about
all the adventures I'm having...
...but I love you.
Gotta go. Talk to you soon.
Hugs and kisses, Aunt Lucille.
Daggone it!