Television, it's so...
You should show her
to Hitchcock's people, Harry.
Alexander, you know
I'm up for that part.
Harry, it's been fabulous as always.
See you on Saturday.
And bring a date if you like.
Good luck in television.
Thank you.
Promise me, when I make you
into a star...
...you won't become a rattlesnake.
Harry, do you think
I really have a chance?
If I didn't, sweetheart, you'd still
be back in Alabama, daydreaming.
Are you ready to work?
I've been ready my whole life.
I wouldn't have thought it possible...
...but you're even prettier
than your 8-by-10.
Why, thank you, Mr. Shwegmann.
So are you.
Thank you.
Excuse me, Harry.
This role only works
a couple of days.
But we feel that Samantha
needs a regular female...
...bĂȘte noire...
...juxtaposed against her usual
Midwestern sweetness.
So we're thinking of Lucille Fleur
as a recurring character.
Are you familiar with the show?
I watch it every week. It's clever.
But her name's Lucille?
...is a bombshell.
A real flirt.
I'll give you Darrin's lines.
Top of page 12.
Okay, you ready?
I was hoping you would say yes.
"Yes" is my favourite word
in the whole world.
Good. That's very, very nice work.
-Thank you.
-I wanna try it one more time.
"Peter J. Bullis.
Age 13. Injured in mysterious
shooting incident."