I think he was bought in a pet shop
in Baton Rouge.
Ate everything in his tank,
and then ate the guy that bought him.
Next day, fills up the cab of the guy's truck
with water and drives to Baja...
...picking bones out of his teeth
with the license plate.
We need to talk.
Carter Blake, Russell Franklin,
president of Chimera Pharmaceuticals.
That was incredible.
Actually, they don't like the taste
of us very much.
If they bite you, it's because
they think you're a fat little seal.
Or a rich suit.
Nice meeting you.
Friendly place.
You got full sentences.
Usually, he just kind of nods.
Word travels fast
about why you're here and all.
Was that the Gen 1 that escaped?
That little guy? No way.
Those are the normals.
These three are the test sharks.
Two first-generation
and one second-generation female.
Beneath its glassy surface...