...a world of gliding monsters.
It's pretty scary stuff, huh?
Yes. It is.
Tower to water taxi.
Ben, I'm picking up a nasty little bitch
of a squall about 30 miles out.
Copy that. We'll be all right.
Jan, stay out of the rain.
Where are they going? They hate me too?
They're going home.
We run a skeleton crew on the weekend.
But they probably hate you anyway.
There's Dr. Jim Whitlock,
the most brilliant man ever.
He's pissing into the wind.
How brilliant can he be?
You'll see.
What happened, deadeye?
You miss with the first shot?
It took two hits to even slow it down.
Are you kidding?
Two of these should've almost killed it.
Go tell it that, Scoggs.
You missed. Don't get mad at me
because you can't shoot worth a shit.
If you hadn't left the pen open,
I could've had a good sleep.
I already told the doc,
I locked the pen like I do every night.
The fish got out some other way.
What are you looking at me like that for?
Who are you going to trust?
Me, that's who. You trust me.
You know why? Because I'm trustworthy.
How high are these fences off the water?
Given the surface variations
and tensile strength--
Short answer, man.
Eight feet, give or take a centimeter.