That you used me?
Someone on the water
who wouldn't make waves.
Someone who wouldn't ask
too many questions.
Because he had something to lose.
You don't see what we've done here.
You've taken God's oldest killing machine
and given it will and desire.
You've knocked us to the bottom
of the goddamn food chain.
It's not a great leap forward, in my book.
The people we'll save....
Jim? Brenda?
All right, people.
These sharks are thinking hard and clear.
So here's the riddle.
What does an 8,000-pound mako shark...
...with a brain the size of a V8 engine
and no natural predators, think about?
I'm not waiting around here to find out.
Now you see how that works?
She screwed with the sharks
and now the sharks are screwing with us.
Please let me get out of here.