And somewhere we lost hope.
I don't know when we turned
on each other.
I just know...
...that seven of us survived the slide...
...and only five made it out.
Now, we took an oath
that I'm breaking now.
Swore that we'd say it was the snow
that killed the other two.
But it wasn't.
Nature can be lethal.
But it doesn't hold a candle to man.
You've seen how bad things can get
and how quick they can get that way.
Well, they can get a whole lot worse.
So we're not going to fight anymore!
We're going to pull together
and find a way to get out of here!
First, we're going to seal off this pool!
Oh, my God.
It just ate him.
It just ate him. Christ!
I'm not moving.
I'm not moving. Someone will come.
They'll come and they'll get us,
and we'll be fine.
No. I'm not moving.
Listen, Tom, what is the precise
structural failure limit for Aquatica?
3,200 tons.
What happens when we get more
than 3,200 tons of water in this rig?
The support struts go first.
Their tolerance is about seven tons.
They'll crack like toothpicks.