Detroit Rock City

Today is gonna be the last time
I can--

I'm mov--
Jeremiah Bruce,
please come to the office.

Jeremiah Bruce,
come to the office immediately.

Give me that microphone!
Jeremiah Bruce!
This is your mother!

You are in big trouble,
young man.

What I found in the pocket of
that stinky jacket of yours...

has me more than livid.
You get your little fanny
out of that seat...

and you meet me
in the front office.

How dare you do this!
How dare you humiliate me
after I work so hard for you!

You take my hard-earned money...
and you and your idiot friends
spend it...

on Kiss tickets?!
You don't understand.
Oh, I understand perfectly.
And so will
Father Philip McNulty.

You're sending me
to boarding school?

What else can I do?
Records, magazines,
comic books, that's one thing...

but tickets.
Do you realize what this means?
You are no longer content merely
hearing their awful music...

and looking at photos
of their horrific faces.

Now you want to see the devil
in the flesh!

You want to reach out
and touch pure evil.

And in Detroit, no less.
