Detroit Rock City

It's the same friggin' guy.
What the hell are you doing,
Sister Gonorrhea?

Waitin' for a bus?
You'll still get rowdy
with the girls and boys

'Cause it's time
for you to take a stand

Yeah, whoo
Shout it, shout it
Shout it out loud
You've got to have a party
Shout it, shout it
Shout it out loud
Whoa, dudes, man.
I just had
the killerest vision, man.

Imagine Mystery...
opening up for Kiss, man.
Oh, that'd be fucking it.
Yeah, man.
It could happen, man.

You know, in '73, Kiss was
opening for Blue Oyster Cult.

One year later to the day,

Blue Oyster Cult
was opening for Kiss.

We're not opening for anybody...
until our lead singer
gets over his stage fright.

God, man.
I don't have fucking
stage fright, Lex.

Then why'd you pass out
on stage at Bing's party...

before the first
fucking song?

That was one show, man.
That was our only show, and you
dropped like a dead deer on us.

Shut up.
I'm solid gold
I got the goods
They stare when I walk
through the neighborhood

I'm makin' it
I got the chance,
I'm takin' it

No more, no more
Fakin' it
This time in life
I'm takin' it
Woo woo woo
Makin' it
