- I think our little friend
has Malawi bloat.
- What the hell is that?
- It's a gill disorder.
- Is it bad?
- Could be fatal.
- But is he gonna make it?
He's in shock. I gave him
some freeze-dried water fleas,
but he's gotta want to live.
- The next forty-eight
hours are critical.
- Forty-eight hours?
But I got to go to Switzerland for
business. I'll be gone for three weeks.
Well, cancel it.
You got a sick fish here, pal.
Hey, hey,
what about you, huh?
Sounds good, but I can't afford
to go to Europe right now.
- My passport expired--
- No, no, I mean you can stay
here and look after my fish.
I've got
a full bar, huh?
Digital television.
You're on the beach.
I don't know.
I would be honored
to care for your fish.
Just remember, don't use my car
and don't answer my phone.
No car, no phone.
So I guess throwing a big beach party's
out of the question.
This is a 14th century
Hungarian crossbow.
It has killed a king...
and changed
the history of Europe.
You mess up anything in my apartment,
I'll shove it up your ass.
Have a good trip.
% Come on, come on %
Women pay me
to give them pleasure.
% Come on, come on %