Ooh. [Chuckles]
Excuzes-moi. These leather seats.
Would you like a martini
or cranberry juice?
- No.
- Kind of celebrating tonight.
Possible career change.
I'm pretty excited
about it.
You wanna get out of here?
Okay. I'm sorry.
I mean, together.
What happened
to the carpet?
Oh, it's one of those
18th century wet rugs.
Well, that's
certainly appreciated.
Hey, whoa.
Maybe we should take care
of a little business first.
If you prefer.
I don't have a set price or anything,
but I have been getting ten dollars.
- I'm sorry?
- Well, that's my going rate.
But I'm willing
to negotiate.
[Chuckles] That's funny.
But the price is 500.
You're gonna pay me $500?
No, honey. You pay me.
Oh, I get it.
This is some kind of role reversal.
I'll play along
with this.
Okay, 300, 400, 500.
You're my hooker.
No, seriously,
where's my ten dollars?
Look, asshole. I didn't come
all the way down here for nothing.
Now give me my $500!
You give me ten dollars!
Five hundred, now!
You pay me ten dollars.