I'm just not allowed to fly
in a plane or drive a car...
or work in a gun range.
- [Chuckles] Yeah.
- [Giggles]
This is such a treat.
I've always wanted to try soup,
but there's the fear of drowning.
I really had fun.
- Are you gonna be okay?
- I'll be fine.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
Good night.
[Thudding Down Stairs]
% I can't get enough
of you, baby %
% I can't get enough
of you, baby %
% Yes, it's true %
% Yes, it's true %
% Whenever we kiss
I get to feelin'like this %
% I get to wishin'
that there were two of you %
-% [Continues]
- Come on. You can dance.
% Come on, baby
It feels so nice %
% I want your arms to %
% Wrap around me twice %
% I can't get enough
of you, baby %
% I can't get enough
of you, baby %
% Right or wrong %