In 1974, President Richard Nixon
resigned in disgrace...
...amid the Watergate scandal.
One of the mysteries
of the 20th century...
...pertains to the identity
of Deep Throat...
... the inside source who leaked the
information to The Washington Post.
Who is Deep Throat?
Tonight, my guests will
answer that question.
Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein...
...Post reporters who broke
the story so many years ago.
-Nice to have you here.
-Thank you for having us.
Let's just get right to it.
Who is...
...Deep Throat?
Well, first of all,
we're not telling you.
Second, I was under the impression
that I would be the only guest tonight.
Well, I guess you're not, Bob.
You know, you guys
are getting pretty old now.
So what's your point?
I'm wondering, are you ever
going to tell anybody...
... who Deep Throat is...
...before you die?
Well, a lot bigger names than you...
...have asked us
who Deep Throat is, so....
I don't think we'd reveal it
on a little show like this.
You know what I think?
I mean, I'm just gonna
come right out and say it.
I don't think there is a Deep Throat.
I think you made it up.