What did you do in the store today?
You should've seen it.
There I was, and these two ladies
were squeezing the Charmin.
This way, we can get back in
without having to go to the lobby.
So nobody'll ever see us
and tell my mom.
You're a genius!
Down, down!
It's Fat Freddy.
That is so disgusting.
Go, go, go!
What the--?
Oh, shit!
Max, call the cops.
Looks like we got a break-in here.
You know why I love Bobby?
Because he cares about people,
but also about nature and ecology.
I need a status report.
Give me a 20 for gemstone. Over.
Jewel thieves!
Hold it!
Get away from us!
Young people running wild
in the middle of the night.
By the time you're grown, you'll be
living in the Soviet Union of America!