
And besides, what if you're wrong,
like you always are?

If i'm wrong-- which I'm not--
it's not gonna matter.

We're gonna pass through
your arch thing anyway.

We're gonna be forgiven.
No harm, no foul.

Well, He does hate competition.
I will say that.

And your Mooby certainly falls
under that heading.

Where is this church
we have to go to?

New Jersey. Rededication ceremony
is in four days.

Last four days on Earth?
If I had a dick,
I'd go get laid.

- We can do the next best thing.
- What's that?

Let's kill people.
Oh, not you.
The greater Illinois Chapter
of the Right to Life Foundation...

will be holding its
biannual softball game...

against the Cook County...
Pro-Choice League next Sunday at 2:00.
Today's second collection
will be donated...

to the John Doe Jersey Life Fund.
For those of you
who haven't been following the news...

an unidentified homeless man...
who was accosted and severely beaten
at the NewJersey shore last Tuesday...

ies in critical, but stable condition
in one of that area's hospitals.

He lacks identification...
and police have had no luck tracking
down any possible family.

The archbishop ofthe Trenton diocese
has disputed the state's decision...

to remove the indigent man
from life-support systems...

asking that Catholics
all over the country...

join in this protest against euthanasia.
Well, now please rise
for the recession offaith.

We believe in one God,
the FatherAlmighty...

Maker of Heaven and Earth.
WebelieveinJesus Christ,
His only Son, Our Lord--
