Behold the Metatron!
Herald ofthe Almighty
and voice ofthe one true God!
Behold the Metatron!
Herald ofthe Almighty
and voice ofthe one true God!
Sweet Jesus!
Doyou have to use the whole can?
Who the fuck areyou and
what the fuck areyou doing in my room?
I'm the one that's soaked and she's
the one that's surly. That's rich.
Stupid fucking--
Get the fuck out of here,
Or you'll do what exactly?
Hit me with that fish?
Now,just sit down on the bed
and shut up.
Jesus wept!
Look at my suit.
Just take whatever you want,
but don't kill or rape me.
Give over! I couldn't rape you
ifl wanted to. Angels are il-equipped.