Don't tell me the name
doesn't ring a bell?
You people.
If there isn't a movie about it,
it's not worth knowing, is it?
I am a seraphim.
The highest choir ofangels.
You do know what an angel is,
Metatron acts as the voice of God.
Any documented occasion when some yahoo
claims that God has spoken to them...
they're speaking to me.
Or they're talking to themselves.
Why doesn't God speak for Himself?
Glad you decided tojoin
the conversation. To answer that...
human beings have neither the aural,
nor the psychological capacity...
to with stand the awesome power
ofGod's true voice.
Wereyou to hear it, your mind would
cave in and your heart would explode.
We went through five Adams
before we figured that one out.
Well, how do I know
you're an angel?
Aside from the fiery entrance
and the expansive wing span?
You want more proof?
How about tequila?
-Where the hell are we?
-Only place you can go for good tequila.
Dos tequilas, por favor,
and an empty glass.
We're in Mexico?
Actually, we're in a franchised
Mexican family eatery...
down the street
from your apartment, but...
it's impressive nonetheless.
You don't mind I lost the wings, doyou?
I'm trying to keep our profile low.