Tell a person that you're the Metatron
and they stare at you blankly.
Mention something out of
a Charlton Heston movie...
and suddenly everybody's
a theology scholar.
May I continue uninterrupted?
Once he's done with the first born...
Loki takes his friend Bartleby out
for a post-slaughter drink.
And over many rounds...
they get into
this discussion about...
whether or not murder
in the name of God is okay.
And in the end...
Bartleby convinces Loki
to quit his position...
and take one which doesn't
involve slaughter.
very inebriated...
Loki tells God he quits...
throws down his fiery sword...
and gives Him the finger.
Which ruins it for the rest of us
because from that day forward...
God decreed that angels
could no longer imbibe alcohol.
Hence all the spitting.
So, for their insolence...
God decreed that neither Loki
nor Bartleby...
would ever be allowed
back into Paradise.
- Were they sent to Hell?
- Worse.
for the entire span
of human history.
And when the world ends, they'll have to
sit outside the gates for all eternity.
And this has what to do with me?
Someone has clued them in
to a loop hole in Catholic dogma...
that would allow them
to reenter Heaven.
So what? They beat the system.
Good for them.
It's not that simple.
If they get in,
they will have reversed God's decree.
Now listen closely because
this bit's very important.
Existence in all its form
and splendor...
function solely on one principle--