No heartbeat.
Think someone threw him out of a plane
with a message written on him...
Iike in ConAir?
- Did you ever see that flick?
- Oh, did that suck!
- ConAir? Con Shit.
- Kill it!
- Sounds familiar.
-Jesus, are you okay?
Yeah, it's Rufus.
And yeah, I'm fine.
He's the fucking undead!
Cut his head off!.
What I just did gave me
a fucking migraine!
So if you don't pipe down, I'm gonna
yank your sac off like a paper towel.
Speaking of which,
you're awfully nude.
- Rufus, is it?
- Yes, Rufus it is.
It's usually Long Rufus, but it's
a little cold out here. You understand?
Big Papa, how about lending a brother
your coat till I find my own threads?
Dude, he fell out of thin air.
Dude, his piece is gonna be rubbing
inside ofyour armor.
- Dude!
- Thanks a lot, baby.
I'll do my best to tuck it back.
It's been a while since physics
but I would think...
the impact with which you hit
the asphalt would have liquefied you.
Death is a worry of the living.
The dead, like myself, only worry
about decay and necrophiliacs.
- Told you he was the undead.
- Not the undead. The dead.
I died.
Christ told me the secret
to the resurrection once.
We were at this wedding in Caanan.
I got drunk and forgot it.
Wait, wait, wait.
You knew Christ?
Knew him?
Shit, nigga owes me 12 bucks.
Let me guess.
- You're another angel?
- Oh, I ain't no angel.
I'm a man,just like you and him.
Well, maybe not him.
At least I was a man.