dubbed " Mooby World."
Did I miss anything?
You forgot Mooby Magazine.
Damn it!
Is there a point to this?
You and your board are idolaters.
I can't believe you forgot
the magazine.
That's you.
Doyou know much about voodoo?
That's a fascinating practice.
No real doctrine of faith to speak of.
More an arrangement
of superstitions...
the most well-known ofwhich...
is the voodoo doll.
You see...
a mockup ofan individual
is subjected...
to various pokes and prods.
The desired result is that
the individual will feel those effects.
Call security, now!
All lines are currently down.
- I'm gonna have to apologize--
- Would you knock it off?
You're doing it again.
Stop. What did we talk about?
You are responsible
for raising an icon...
which draws worship
from the Lord.
You have broken
the First Commandment.
More than that,
I'm afraid not a one ofyou...
passes for a decent human being.
Your continued existence
is a mockery ofmorality.
Like you, Mr. Burton.
Last year, you cheated on yourwife
of 1 7 years 8 times.
You even had sex
with her best friend...