All right, tie it off.
- Hey, Cutter.
- Hey, Tom. What have you got for me?
- Anything?
- No.
Cutter, please don't let them give up.
He's very strong.
- Libby. L-Libby.
- He's a very strong man.
The raft and life preservers
are all on board.
These guys,
they tracked the wind, currents...
The water temperature overnight...
was 51 degrees.
That's cold. That's really cold.
- Cutter, I can't breathe!
- Just put your head down.
Yeah, that's it.
Deep breaths.
Big breaths.
Mommy, look!
Hi, kiddo.
Hey, Bobby.
Hey, Libby.
Um, well, Cutter, he, uh...
He asked me to come by
and talk to you, you know.