Double Jeopardy

He got a D.U.I.
And totaled his car.

I heard he totaled his wife
and his daughter in that accident.

Girl, you're talkin' shit.
Nobody got killed.

But by the time his wife got done
with him, I bet he wished he was dead.

Took everything he had.
Including the kid.

Hasn't seen his girl in years.
Libby, it's wrong of you
to be here. It's very wrong.

I'm sorry to bother you,
but you're my only hope.

Sharon? No, you put
that down, please.

Libby, I'm sorry.
I can't.

I want to find my son!
Matty's had
six years with Angie.

I mean, think about it,
Libby... six years.

Oh, Benjamin,
that's a great sand castle.

If you come back
into his life right now...

it's just gonna cause
more disruption and pain.

Just think about it, Libby, please?
Think about it.

I just want to see him, Rebecca.
Can you give me an address
for Angie, so I can see him?

Look, I'm sorry.
I really am sorry.

Lauren? Come on, get down, please.
That's it.
