Did you have a nice day
at the beach?
You piss me off, Parsons.
Angela Green... that's the woman
that's got your kid, right?
Can we not talk, please, Lehman?
All right.
- So why'd she skip town?
- She just skipped town.
Yeah, with your husband,
who isn't dead...
'cause you didn't kill him?
- Bullshit.
- Okay, I killed my husband.
I chopped him up into little bits,
and dumped him in the Pacific.
- Are you satisfied?
- No. No.
You were a hell of a lot closer to your
kid three days ago than you are today.
All you had to do was wait three years.
That's all.
You fucking idiot.
You cannot know what it is like
to sit in prison for six years...
and think of nothing else
in the world but your son.
Did I make the right choice?
You ask the wrong question, Lehman.
I didn't have a choice.
Fuck your curfew!
Who's that? Your daughter?
Is that a problem
for you, Lehman?
I'm going up top.
Don't go anywhere.