There's a guy waiting for you.
Did you catch that thing?
What did you use for bait?
I caught that
big bucket-mouth son of a bitch...
off an old rebel lure
my daddy left me.
'Course there's buzz bombs,
poppers, jigs...
all kinds of things work
back in these waters.
I'm Jim Mangold.
Travis Lehman, Washington
Department of Corrections.
What can I do for you?
- Who's this?
- That's somebody I'm looking for.
- Pretty girl.
- Oh, yeah.
She's very pretty,
for a convicted murderer.
She jumped parole on me.
Mr. Lehman, I'd love
to be able to help you, sir.
No, I don't want you guys to go
to any trouble. I can handle matters.
I just came down
as a professional courtesy...
since she's in New Orleans...
and came here to kill one
of your prominent citizens.
- How is she planning on doing that?
- I don't know.
She'll probably use
the. 38 special she stole from me.
Roy Lee!
Get these in the works...
- She looks lovely.
- Invitation, please.
Enjoy your evening.
Good evening.
Thank you.
Invitations, please.
Yes, I need to see your invitation.
Enjoy your evening.
Your invitation?
- Good evening.
- What a remarkable wrap.
Where on earth
did you find that?
The first lady asked me the same thing
when we stayed at the White House...
and I wouldn't
tell her either.
- Your invitation, sir?
- I got it right here.
- Enjoy your evening. Good evening, miss.
- Good evening.