on this very special occasion. As is the
custom in New Orleans, since before...
the War of Northern Aggression...
We offer the ladies of this fair city
our first bachelor...
to be put up on the auction block,
our host, Jonathan Devereaux.
Where is that man?
Where is that man?
- Hey, Jonathan.
- Thank you, Louis.
You all having a good time?
Now then, ladies,
what you see before you...
is a moderately presentable
man in his 30s...
given to unhealthy thoughts
and a dissipated lifestyle...
With... and this is what's gonna
cost you the really big money...
Absolutely no
redeeming moral virtue.
- Five hundred.
- Dear woman, my cuff links cost more.
Do I hear a thousand?
- A thousand.
- Thank you.
- Mmm!
- Two thousand.
All right, now, did I just hear
the voice of the charming Miss Monroe?
'Cause I was just starting to worry...
beginning to think you didn't care.
Twenty-five hundred.
Twenty-five hundred.
We have a new bidder.
- Twenty-five hundred.
- Three thousand.
- Five thousand.
- Oh!
Fifty-five hundred.
We have fifty-five hundred.
Will, uh...
Will the lady take us to six?
Ten thousand dollars.
Well, see, at last,
someone who knows my true value.