Double Jeopardy

Hey! Is that long distance?
Bill me.
Lucy, hi.
This is Travis. Listen.

I want you to get the D.M.V. To fax
me a Washington driver's license...

photograph of one
Nicholas Parsons.

I'm at the New Orleans
Police Department.

- You better talk to Mr. Carruthers.
- Travis!

- His colon is twisted in a knot.
- Give me that.

I've had to cover
your office for you, Travis.

- Where the hell are you?
- Listen to me, Karl.

I think maybe this Parsons woman
has been telling the truth.

You're not a law professor
anymore, Travis.

You're barely even
a parole officer.

- So stop playing Mission Impossible...
- All I need...

is a D.M.V. Driver's license photograph
of Nicholas Parsons.

You get back here today...
because tomorrow, you're going
in front of the Commission.

Karl, I know I'm right.
You give me a chance, okay?
Now, I'm asking you politely.
You send me
the goddamn picture!
