Bell Ringing
Ringing Continues
- Wake up, Time Zone High. Morning, Sue.
- Morning, Tom.
Centennial, the 1 00 Year Event.
since TimothyZonin founded...
TimothyZonin High.
preparingan unforgettable centennial.
Our centennial bash is the culmination
ofa weeklong series ofevents.
So whereare we
on theseniorclassgift ?
Nicole, how´s the rest
ofthe budget looking ?
- $1 6,372--
- Good. we´llneedit.
- It´s sick.
- Are parents invited or only alumni ?
Both. Tradition.
Everyone´s invited.
- Why are we doing this again ?
- As a protest.
- Ofwhat ?
Check, Dave.
We´re doing this to protest sheep.