So, are you excited?
Oh, you bet.
We're happier than the day
Hankie got acquitted.
I get made a judge, then
the furniture store hires us...
to paint the whole damn thing.
We're going to use the money...
to get our mom
a proper headstone...
and to move her out
to the cemetery.
Listen, guys,
if you see anything you like...
you just let me know because
I happen to know the owner.
So, here we are.
My place of business,
my little house of worship...
the world's largest
Conestoga wagon.
Right here, we have
a very attractive unit.
Farmers like that one.
OK, showtime.
Hey, Tim, Carla, listen...
you two don't Jew me down
too much on that dinette...
I'll throw in a hutch
for free, OK?
See, that's my specialty.
You don't pay less,
I give you more.
The secret is... the hutch
is included in the price.
Ain't that right, Jean?
Take a memo, sweetheart.
Five, six, seven... and one...
Get that tempo right.
Kick it!
Come on, kick it!
Just watching the young girls.
Contestants. You know...
like the rest of my friends
and neighbors.
Are you getting her?
The third one, the blond one.
Leave him alone. It's OK.
It's just a camera I keep
in the glove compartment...
for... car accidents.