Bad wiring?
That's the biggest
crock of shit I ever heard.
What, they have a sale
on dull needles at K-Mart?
I just need one more do-over.
Now, we need to remember the
three most important parts...
to give a really good
Listen up, number one.
Number one.
American Teen Princesses...
do not cross their legs
like streetwalkers.
Excuse me,
"Miss Penthouse '98... "
put your knees together.
I could drive
a boat show in there.
Ankles together.
Hands resting
lightly on your laps.
Sit up straight. Smile.
All right, number two.
The judges are just
as nervous as you are.
So, are you about ready...
to start the judging,
start the interview there?
I guess I could answer that.
Yeah, we're ready.
So we should probably get
the young girls in here, then.
You know,
to start the interviews.
If you could be any tree
in the woods...
what kind of tree would you be?
I can be any kind
of tree you want.
Just give me a minute
to warm up.
One with strong roots in
a community like Mount Rose...
a solid Christian trunk...
and long leafy branches
to provide shade...
for handicapped kids
on a hot summer day.