You guys know
the retard's pants are open?
I don't want to see that.
Who would you pick to be
the president, dead or alive?
Emperor Hirohito.
Brett Favre.
My mother, 'cause she could
solve world hunger...
with one of her blue-ribbon
rhubarb pies...
create world peace
with one of her prayers...
and still find time
to look beautiful...
for my dad, Lester Leeman.
Do you like to swim?
Yeah, I love to swim.
When I was in New York,
I met Greg Louganis...
at one of my brother's shows.
The tard's pants
are completely off.
Close up shop.
Are you Amber Atkins?
Yes, yes, I am. Hello.
Name and spell
all the United States...
in alphabetical order.
A- I-a-b-a-m-a.
A- I-a-s-k-a.
A- r-i-z-o-n-a.
West Virginia.
W- e-s-t V-i-r-g-i-n-i-a.