I chose Mount Rushmore...
because to live in a country...
where you can take
an ugly old mountain...
and put faces on it,
faces of great Americans...
who did so much to make
our country super great...
well, that makes me,
Rebecca Leeman...
proud to be an American.
I'm Lisa Swenson, and I am proud
to be an American...
because living in a country
where Lady Liberty...
always keeps her flame
burning bright...
She always keeps her flame
burning bright.
It makes me proud
to be an American.
The Washington Monument...
Oh, yeah, baby!
Makes me...
Leslie Miller,
proud to be an American.
Living in a country
where no matter who you are...
or where you come from,
you can grow up...
and become what you've always
dreamed of makes me...
Amber Atkins,
proud to be an American.
Atomic power makes me,
Molly Howard...
proud to be an Asian-American.
My uncle Phil's world's-largest
ball of twine...
in Bundy, Minnesota...
it makes me proud I'm American.
I kind of misunderstood
the assignment.
A couple of notes from
yesterday's dress rehearsal.
Gladys says a couple of youse...
are getting sexy
with your hips...
during the physical
fitness routine.
Oh, my God,
my tap costume's gone.
Amber, we are not putting on
our talent costume.