Drop Dead Gorgeous

Who could ever forget
her lip-synching...

to "Don't Cry Out Loud"
by Melissa Manchester?

And here she is...
Mary Johanson.
Don't cry out loud
Just keep it inside
And learn how to hide
your feelings

Fly high and proud
And if you should fall
Remember you almost
Had it all
All right, why don't we pick up
the stepladders...

for the physical fitness number?
There we go.
They're wet.
My hands are stuck.
I'm kind of dizzy
from the fumes.

You know what, girls?
Keep them away from you so
they don't get on the outfits.

There we go.
Let's form a line.
What kind of a mental retard...
paints stepladders
right before a pageant?

I'm the judge!
Back, you cuddly retard.
Go, Hank!
It's OK.
My dress is fine.
All right, so...
our other judges are...
Jean Kangas...
and John Dough...
Opening number looked good...
solid, but now you're going
to have to actually dance.

So, here, put a dab of this
on the old choppers, ladies.

It'll help you smile...
and when they're looking
at your teeth, God willing...

they won't be looking
at your feet.
