Now look, Dudley, you--
You're supposed to take me up
on my challenge...
by showing me how daring you are.
Let's try it once again,
shall we?
l am evil!
Now do not dare cross that line!
l am evil!
Well, what? You said
l'm not supposed to cross the line!
But you're supposed to cross the line.
Now, let's try it again.
Okay, now, do not dare...
cross the line of death.
l am evil! l am evil!
- What did you do that for?
- 'Cause l'm evil.
l can't help it.
...eight, nine, ten.
The hero trusts.
Now, l will throw some stones
at you--
missing intentionally, of course--
and you will not flinch
as they whiz...
past your head,
because you trust me.
- l trust you, master.
- Good!
Sorry-- but that was very good.
You trusted me.
Perfect! You didn't flinch at all.
Just one more, okay?
Excellent, absolutely!
Trust is your middle name.
A little less moaning would be good.
The final test-- instinct.
You will fight me
without benefit of eyesight.
You will block my every blow...
because you can see
without your eyes.
You can hear without your ears.
- You can speak without your tongue.
- Yes, master.
l said ''without your tongue.''
Now, your sword is your stick.
The stick is your defense.
Prepare to defeat me.
Are you ready?
Very good, indeed!
The hopping-foot defense.