And now it's gonna be
another month !
- Everybody hates me.
- Nobody hates you. Why are you--
- Who hates you ?
- A poll, Ed !
U.S.A. Today:
"ls Shari Good Enough For Ed ?"
Seventy-one percent
of the people said no.
Who cares about what they say ?
l don't care.
No, l do care. You know what ?
Shame on everybody !
She's cryin' over here,
and it's all your fault.
At least the 71perc. of you.
The other--
- Twenty-nine.
- Twenty-nine percent.
You're smart !
lsn't she smart ?
God, she's sexy with
the wet hair and everything.
And she's funny.
She's really funny, too.
She really is !
Oh ! Shari, do that, that Love Coroner
skit you did at the pool hall.
lt's so fucking great. lt's great.
Okay. Okay, baby ? Set ?
Back up, get a wide shot
of this, okay.
All right, baby, remember--
That's the punch line, all right ?
You got a whole runway.
Are you set to pop ?
Ones and twos and-- Look right here.
What... are you doing ?
Do the thing.
Do the skit, you know.
You want me to entertain
your audience ?
What is this, Ed ?
An audition to be your girlfriend...
because l'm not good enough for you ?
No ! Shari, that's not it !
Come on, Shari !
-Psycho chick.
-Damaged goods, bro. Do not accept, man.
Man, this is stupid.
"ls Shari Good Enough For Ed ?"
Who the hell am l, huh ?
Who do you think l should be dating ?
There's a list !
Really ?
Ed ?