- Good luckthere, Tracy.
- Thanks. I'll see you in class.
None of this would have
occured if McAllister hadn't meddled.
He should have accepted things and
not tried to interfere with destiny.
You can't interfere with destiny,
that's why it's destiny.
If you try to interfere, the same
thing's going to happen anyway.
It's hard to remember how it
started, the whole election mess.
I do remember that I loved my job.
I was a teacher, an educator.
I couldn't imagine
doing anything else.
Mr McAIlister, quit daydreaming
and get back to work.
The students knew it wasn't
just a job for me. I got involved.
Put down the cards, boys.
This game is over.
Come on, Wolverines.
I knew I touched their lives during
their difficult young-adult years.
I took that responsibility
In the 12 years I taught history
and current events at Carver
I was voted teacher of the year
three times. A school record.
Teaching was all
I'd ever wanted to do.
Trying to get young people
excited about the world.
Trying to prepare them for the tough
decisions they'd face as adults.
That's how I wanted
to spend my life.
Is this a moral situation
or an ethical situation?
What's the difference between
morals and ethics anyway?. Derek?.
Ethics is when you do
what society tells you to do.
- Morals ...
- You're on the right track.