- What's your favourite fruit?
- Pears.
- Good, let's say ...
- Wait!
- Apples.
- Apples. Fine.
Let's say all you ever knew
were apples.
You might think apples were good,
even if some were rotten.
But one day, there's an orange.
Now you can make a decision.
Do you want an apple or an orange?
That's democracy.
- I also like bananas.
- Exactly. Good.
What do you say?.
Give a little something back.
- How's that?
- Just a little higher.
Eric, you can't put tape
on the "outside" of the poster!
You'd better take
the whole thing down and redo it.
- Who put you up to this?
- What do you mean?
You suddenly decided
to run for president?
I just thought ...
I told Mr McAIlister that I want
to do something for the school.
- Mr McAIlister asked you to run?
- I talked to him.
He thought it was a good idea.
He said that there's
all different kinds of fruits.
Tracy, you're the best.
I just thought ...
Okay, you're on, Mr Popular.
Paul Metzler didn't upset me.
Nothing was further from the truth.